Inspiration Menu


I’m very open to facilitate workshops at your event.

So please reach out if you feel a deep yes to explore if we align!

Inspiration Menu
what I love to facilitate

A Teaser of Tantra (1-1,5h)
Do you desire to connect not only in the physical, emotional and mental (‘3D’) realm, but also on an energetic & spiritual (‘5D’) soul-level?
Come and join for this teaser of tantra where you'll be guided through some beautiful connection exercises which allow you to meet each other on all levels.

Awaken Your Senses - A Blind-Folded Experience (1-1,5h)
Taking out our vision to go inward & increase our other senses to experience connection based on energy, movement, sound, smell, taste & touch.

Ecstatic Eating & Feeding (1h)
A joyful & ecstatic workshop to deeply connect with yourself, with sensual food, and with each other!
Can be beautifully combined with the blind-folded experience and/or integrated in a temple night.

Orgasmic Breathing (1,5h)
Using the power of the breath to connect with your (sexual) self, heighten your senses, express yourself wild & free, and open up a portal of deep orgasmic states of pleasure.
Experience the power of doing this together in a safe & empowering co-created energy field, where we can be inspired by each other's transmission!

Sacred Self-Pleasure Ritual (2h)
An amazing guided experience to self-pleasure in the group energy of each other; in a safe, sacred & ceremonial space.
Can be beautifully combined with Orgasmic Breathing in a full evening program!

Emotional Release (1hr)
Let's move, sound & shake that fear, joy, sadness & anger! We’ll co-create a safe space to practice & embody tools to put energy in motion (e-motion).

(Sexual) Life Force Energy Activation (1hr)
Using foundational body tools (breath, movement, sounding, mindfulness) to connect with & raise (sexual) life force energy.

Wheel of Consent (1,5hr)
The Wheel of Consent is a concept developed by intimacy coach Betty Martin. This concept helps us to uplevel our communication for intimate touch, to align our outer & inner world, and to raise our consciousness about our own and each other's experience.
The idea is that we move between different zones when we are intimate: we are serving, accepting, taking or allowing. The wheel serves as a tool to notice where we are and reflect on consent in each of the zones. In this workshop we will get familiar with this concept in a safe, playful & connected way.

'RBDSM' - for clear communication in open intimacy (1hr)
Communication is sexy. It helps creates deeper intimacy and supports us to be in the moment with healthy flowing energy (before, during and after encounters!).
RBDSM stands for Relationship (status & agreements), Boundaries, Desire, Safer sex, Meaning and aftercare. This is a communication tool taught at the ISTA for clear communication in open intimacy. You will discuss these topics with a partner, experiencing the beauty that comes from a fully conscious sexual experience.

Temple Night (4+ hrs)
Creating a safe & sacred space to explore open intimacy in a deeply connected way. To go on a journey with ourselves and with each other. To go further than experimenting out of curiosity, by really connecting from our hearts and souls. Consciously. Intentionally. LOVE over lust. Approaching intimacy with responsibility and wisdom as only then we can grow from it.

The first 1,5hrs of the temple will be guided (opening circle with guidelines & agreements, meditation, tantric connection exercises) and after it can be free-flow where the space will be divided in different areas.

This requires self-responsibility for expressing & respecting our own and each other’s desires & boundaries. Therefore, a Temple Night requires embodiment of the RBDSM tool and the Wheel of Consent. At an event, these workshops can be given prior to a Temple Night.

More info can be found in the application form for the Temple Nights that I facilitate with my partner-in-magic Denise in the Netherlands (Temple of Alchemy): https://forms.gle/MJbqHGydvZqEUaXNA

I also love to contribute in the facilitation of a cacao ceremony or ecstatic dance as part of your event:

Cacao Ceremony
A sacred ritual to open our hearts and connect with ourselves & each other at the start of a (conscious) event.

Ecstatic Dance
Facilitating the opening & closing of an ecstatic dance, and spreading love, light & high-vibe energy throughout the dance.

More Info


Contact me directly via Instagram or WhatsApp 💗